UMass Boston

Industry Collaboration

UMass Boston offers industry access to talent, technology, and innovation. Mutually beneficial relationships with our partners are critically important to our mission. We invite you to connect with our faculty, staff, and students through research collaboration. Please contact David Glass at for more information about how we can help you connect to UMass Boston.

Research and Technical Assistance

Our growing interdisciplinary research is producing truly innovative results. Our institutes and centers offer outstanding market insights.

Technology Licensing

Breakthroughs in a range of fields are available for licensing through our Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property program.

Innovation Facility

The Venture Development Center offers state-of-the-art temporary flexible, offices and lab facilities, and professional business support for new product development.

If you are looking for new tools, techniques, and practical concepts to stay ahead in today’s global economy, professional development programs can be delivered on-site or on campus through the Continuing and Professional Studies as well as our College of Management's Executive Education Program.